I guess I should explain the pictures. A pheasant jumped out in front of our car the other day. It did not survive the impact and my companion and I decided to not let the gift go to waste. We took it home and well.... the pictures tell the rest of the story.
I am now serving in the northern part of my mission and love working among the Maori people here. It was hard to leave my last area as we had a lot of success and were in the process of teaching many wonderful people about the restored gospel and had several baptisms. However I know the work will go on and I am excited for the new blessings here in Kaikohe.
We have a new mission president (President Balli) and I had the opportunity to interview with him this past week. I look forward to getting to know him better. Already I can feel of the great love he has for the missionaries in our mission and for the people we serve here in New Zealand.
I have learned through recent experiences on my mission that the Lord really does know each one of us and is standing ready to bless us with the things we need if we are doing what we should and are willing to be humble enough to go to Him and ask for His help. Sometimes He is just waiting on us to be humble enough to ask.
Kaikohe is a great place and the scenery in northern New Zealand is absolutely amazing. My district covers all the way to the northern most part of our mission so we get to see a lot of beautiful country.
I love this work and I love the people of New Zealand. I hope all is well with family and friends back home. I will try to give Mom and Dad more to share in the future.
Love Elder Jarnagin